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  • Vodafone Portugal’s showcases MPN Worker powered by Synch at REPMUS 23

Vodafone Portugal’s showcases MPN Worker powered by Synch at REPMUS 23

Vodafone Portugal demonstrated 5G solutions on site, using Synch powered app for command, control and critical communications and  collaboration. Proof of concept of 5G private mobile network (MPN) installed in partnership with Ericsson at Navy and NATO world’s largest robotics exercise in Tróiaoy.

During September, Vodafone participated in Exercise REPMUS 23, the largest robotics event in the world which tested unmanned maritime systems in Troia, Portugal. The Portuguese Techcom contributed by providing 5G connectivity and a dedicated mobile private network (MPN), in partnership with Ericsson, at the Infante D. Henrique Technological Free Zone, which was monitored at the Navy’s Operational Experimentation Center. During the event, Vodafone MPN worker – an app for collaboration of deskless workers, field positions and control centers was used as a key case study for mobile private networks.    

The Portuguese Navy, as well as Navies and other entities from countries participating in REPMUS 23 (an acronym in English for robotic experimentation and prototyping augmented by unmanned maritime systems) had  access to a private mobile network (MPN), installed on the site. The Aaccess to this network will allowed them to test and validate their technologies and operational concepts, namely unmanned security and defence systems and other technologies in subsurface, surface (terrestrial and wet) and aerial environments.    

Vodafone Synch PTT

Tthe use of MPN and Synch’s powered app in a military environment 

MPN Worker provides reserved private coverage that guarantees greater interconnection of personnel in the area of ​​operations, ensures a higher and more stable level of communications performance and protects the flow of data in all environments, inside and outside of the facilities. Additionally, Synch / MPN Worker enables the development of multiple use cases for defence and security forces and their personnel, such as the collection of operational data from sensors; the location and monitoring of people and other critical assets on the ground to ensure safety and operational efficiency; or the contribution to strengthening the security of each of the solutions used, at the level of the network, applications, and devices.   

At this event, in addition to being, with Ericsson, the 5G private network provider for the event, Vodafone Portugal will have had a stand at REPMUS 23 where, in partnership with Synch, it will presented, with Synch, present solutions that can be applied in defence and security environments, such as Asset Tracking (for geolocation of assets in real time), Push-to-Talk (for instant voice, text and video communications, using different networks and devices) and Virtual Reality (for simulation of scenarios for fighting different types of fires) 

The REPMUS exercise is organized by the Portuguese Navy, with the participation of foreign military forces, universities and technology companies. The objective is to develop, test and validate technologies and operational concepts, particularly unmanned means, that have application in security and defense in a maritime environment. This year, the initiative has the participation of more than 25 Navies, nine NATO entities and more than 30 companies and universities dedicated to research and development in this area. 

Vodafone PTT


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